Behind the Scenes: Returning to the Office with Leslie Alexander

by Daniel Ryder, Pics

1. Redefining Efficiency

Daniel Ryder: "Leslie, how has the team's productivity been impacted by the return to the office?"

Leslie Alexander: "It's interesting, Daniel. Our conventional productivity metrics dipped, but the office's energy and dynamics have been transformative. It's a type of efficiency that's not easily quantified but deeply felt."

Top tip

Leslie suggests using vintage punch clocks for attendance - a blend of practicality and fun. He jokes, “It’s like saying, ‘Back at the coalface today!’”

2. Staff Turnover and New Talent

Daniel Ryder: "You’ve had significant turnover in your senior development team. How did you handle that?"

Leslie Alexander: "True, we saw major shifts initially. But then we took a chance on newly graduated developers, which surprisingly revitalized our projects. We're now focusing on harnessing fresh talent and perspectives."

3. The Economics of Office Space

Daniel Ryder: "How are you managing the costs of maintaining an office space in these times?"

Leslie Alexander: "The market’s on our side with lower real-estate costs. Plus, we've found that small perks, like snacks or a game room, can significantly uplift morale without the need for high expenses. Our in-house barista, for instance, has become a central part of our team culture."

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